A bit of inspiration today with our client, Teresa Tangatakino

In 2015, Teresa started her dialysis journey after her move to NZ from the Cook Islands.
In 2018, Teresa had a below-the-knee amputation, and in the same year, had her toes on the opposite foot amputated.
In 2021, Teresa received a kidney transplant.
Teresa didn’t let anything stop her through these years, she continued to stay mobile and active with home-based exercises with our Wellness Programme and has used a walker to assist her.
This photo is 1 year after her transplant, Teresa works hard to continue her mobility and fitness and goes to her local YMCA at Glen Innes Pool, and is ready to even start pool exercise soon.
It’s been over 8 years since Teresa has been home to the Cook Islands to see her family and her goal is to go home to visit soon, without her walker!
Teresa, you are really an inspiration for what can be done even through challenging times.
You might remember Teresa from her gym story previously...
A self-confessed “Water baby” Teresa had not been swimming for 7 years - restricted due to dialysis accesses and wounds she was unable to enjoy one of her favourite activities.
Today was Teresa’s first time back in the water and she LOVED it!
With the support of her wonderful support person Joanne and our wellness educator, Tracey, Teresa was a real “fish in water”!
There is no stopping Teresa now!